In This Issue
From the Boardroom
CREIA at InspectionWorld®
Background Checks
Legislative Report
New Members
Quick Links
CREIA Homepage
Path to Success and FAQs
Becoming a CREIA Inspector
Membership Information & Quick Links
CREIA Chapters
CREIA Affiliate Member Directory
CREIA Member Center
CREIA Leadership Center
CEC Reporting
Board of Directors
Steve Carroll, MCI Chairman of the Board
Ken Collins, CCI Immediate Past Chairman
Bret Husted, CCI Vice Chairman
John Gamache, CCI Treasurer
Craig Russell, CCI Secretary
Todd Edly, CCI State Director
Greg Terry, CCI State Director
Peter Nusser, CCI Region Two Director
Taylor Vreeken, CCI Region Five Director
Bob Guyer, MCI Region Six Director

CREIA Chapters Listserv

Greater Sacramento
Shasta Cascade
Golden Gate
North Bay
San Fran Peninsula
Silicon Valley
Kern County
San Joaquin Valley
San Luis Obispo
Greater San Gabriel Valley
L.A. / Ventura County
LA. Mid -Valley
L.A. West/South Bay
Inland Empire
Orange County
Palm Springs
North SD/Temecula
San Diego
Please note that you must be subscribed to the listserv in order for your email to be sent. To add or remove yourself from a listserv, edit your communication preferences in your profile.
CREIA Office
Michele Blair Executive Director
Morgan Burke Assistant Director
Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday P 949-715-1768 F 714-632-5405 [email protected]
Mailing Address 320 Pine Avenue, Suite 1050 Long Beach, CA
Upcoming Events
ASHI - InspectionWorld 2019 January 20-23, 2019 Town and Country Resort San Diego, California
Social Networking
From the Boardroom
Happy Holidays to all CREIA inspectors, associates and affiliate members!
First and foremost, I and the Board of Directors wish you a successful and healthy 2019 and thank you for being a member of CREIA. The camaraderie, competence and contributions you make to CREIA elevates this association to excellence in the real estate inspection profession. I'm proud to call you my colleague, with whom I share a passion for our profession.
CREIA is in the midst of a re-vitalization, so stay tuned for new programs and educational opportunities this year.
Since CREIA will not be holding an annual conference this year due to ASHI being in CA, we hope to see you at InspectionWorld® and at the CREIA/ASHI/CHILAC reception to be held there on Monday evening the 21st of January. See below for details on that and other events, including a pre-conference educational session to be led by Skip Walker, MCI, Master CREIA Inspector #107, CREIA Certified trainer and FEMA P-50 Simplified Seismic Assessor.
Keep your eye out for announcements for CREIA Roadshow Educational Presentations to be held throughout the state in 2019. These educational sessions hosted by Chapters on various topics will offer CECs and advanced instruction. The Roadshows are being organized by Bob Guyer and Sam Jabuka and net proceeds will benefit both the Chapter and CHILAC, not to mention the attendees who will walk away with valuable knowledge.
CREIA is committed to serving all members and mentoring associates to become CREIA certified.
The CREIA Board of Directors is representative of the CREIA membership. In addition to the CREIA Board of Directors and chapter leadership opportunities, there are several standing committees and task forces that report to the Board of Directors. We encourage our membership to get involved.
CREIA's Standards of Practice have been recognized by the State of California and are considered the source for home inspector standard of care by the real estate and legal communities.
Best Wishes, Steve Carroll Chairman of the Board
Education & Events at ASHI InspectionWorld®
January 20-23, 2019 Town and Country Resort San Diego, California
Kick-Off The conference kicks off at 2 pm on Sunday in the Convention Center. Start the conference in style on the busy Expo show floor taking part in a wonderful combination of food and beverage and visiting with the dozens of exhibiting vendors!
Monday at 8:00am, enjoy the dynamic keynote speaker at the annual breakfast and get ready for 3 days of expertly-led educational sessions, networking and social events.
CREIA/ASHI/CHILAC Reception during InspectionWorld® in San Diego. ASHI has generously given us a room to use for this function. The event will be held on Monday evening, January 21, 2019 from 5:30-7 pm in the Royal Palm 1-4 room. Sponsorship Opportunities for members and affiliates please click here to donate. Any excess proceeds will benefit CHILAC to support advocacy activities. CHILCA is not a political action committee.
Cheers! Join us for beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages and light hors d'oeuvres. We ask that CREIA members bring a non-member who may consider joining. The event, as of this publication, is being generously supported by:
Flagship Sponsor Radalink, Inc. What is radon, and why should my home be tested? Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas. It comes from the decay of uranium that is found in nearly all soils. Radon gas is colorless, odorless, and without taste. The presence of radon in a home cannot be detected by human senses. The only way to know if your home contains radon gas is to test. EPA recommends that homes with high Radon concentration above 4 pCi/L be mitigated. There are many straight-forward reduction techniques that will work in almost any home. At Radalink, we want to make radon testing reliable, accurate and much easier for our clients. Radalink, the top radon testing company in the nation, introduces their new Radon Warranty Program, Free with every radon test. The new Radalink Radon Warranty Program provides assurance for both inspectors and homeowners on the accuracy of the radon test results provided by Radalink Radon Monitors. To create good customer experience, Radalink partnered with Home Owners Network (HON) to administer their Radon Warranty Program through the HON Total Home Support membership system.
Silver Sponsors InspectorPro InspectorPro Insurance is one of the leading home inspection insurance providers in the nation. With a reputation built on superior claims handling and quality customer service, InspectorPro gives its clients peace of mind. Its risk management education works to decrease how often claims arise. And its errors and omissions and general liability insurance policies are built to serve your unique business needs. Insuring with anyone else simply isn't worth the risk.
Michael Casey & Associates Michael Casey & Associates was formed in 1987 and we have been CREIA members for over 25 years. Our home inspector pre-practice live, and online CE classes are designed for California and the surrounding states, learn from the masters at our next class! We provide intensive, long lasting, professional inspection education from educators who know how to prepare a new inspector for what it takes to open, run and profit from an inspection business.
Pre-Con Educational Session - January 18, 2019 (8:00am - 5:00pm) Inspections Using the FEMA P-50 Simplified Seismic Assessment Protocol FEMA P-50 and P-50-1, Simplified Seismic Assessment of Detached, Single-Family, Wood-Frame Dwellings, and Seismic Retrofit Guidelines for Detached, Single-Family, Wood-Frame Dwellings provide professional home inspectors with tools they can use to evaluate the seismic vulnerabilities of single-family, wood-frame dwellings, and provide clients actionable suggestions for retrofitting to mitigate potential seismic activity damage. This training is a required component for CREIA CCI's and MCI's working towards the CREIA Simplified Seismic Assessor (SSA) certification. It is required that inspectors that have taken the class prior to 2017 retake as their have been changes to the program. CREIA inspectors planning on participating in the CEA Discount Retrofit Verification (DRV) program are required to have the CREIA SSA certification.
ICC Preferred Provider Approved, Course #18425 There will be two short breaks and a short lunch.
For anyone with ICC code certifications, you need 50% of your CEC's to come from a preferred provider. There are many CREIA members that have ICC certs, so this is an easy way to get your PP CEC's taken care of. If someone wants to be a CREIA MCI - the new requirement is to have an ICC Combination CA Residential Cert - which actually requires four separate ICC cert exams - Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical
Class led by: Skip Walker - MCI, Master CREIA Inspector #107 CREIA Inspector Fellow ACI, ASHI Certified Inspector, 246625 F.I.R.E. Service Certified Inspector #FP-102 International Code Council, ICC Certified Residential Combination Building Inspector #5283444-R5 ICC Certified California Residential Combination Building Inspector #5283444-J5 CREIA Certified Trainer NADRA Certified Deck Inspector Tile Roofing Institute, Certified Installer FEMA P-50 Simplified Seismic Assessor CA Certified Radon Measurement Provider, NRPP #108873 RT Coauthor, Code Check® Series
For more information about certification click here.
Announcement of New CREIA Initiative
CREIA members are committed to protect lives, health and investments. To assist in fulfilling this vision, CREIA will initiate in 2019, a program that will mandate background checks for all members. To the best of our ability, we want to assure your clients that CREIA members have been screened before being accepted as CREIA members and meet the requirements of our Bylaws and Code of Ethics. Current members will be required to meet these standards as well. CREIA leadership believes that this will assist all CREIA inspectors in referrals and recommendations from real estate agents, the general public and CREIA to CREIA referrals. Stay tuned for the roll-out date in early 2019.
Legislative Report David Pace MCI, IF Chairman Legislative Committee
The new year brings an increase in Legislative Activity in Sacramento. Jerry Desmond, CREIA's Legislative Advocate, has indicated he expects 2,500 bills to be introduced prior to the February 22 deadline. We have already begun working on a bill which deals with the difference between an employee and a contractor. This bill could have an impact primarily on multi-inspector companies. More on that as we analyze the bill and form a position.
The new year also triggers the implementation of the bills signed into law at the end of the last legislative year. There are four bills of particular note and interest to the home inspection community.
Bills That Take Effect January 1, 2019
SB 721, Hill. Building standards: decks and balconies: inspection. This bill came about in part by the collapse of the deck in Berkeley. On June 16, 2015, shortly after midnight, five Irish J-1 visa students and one Irish-American died and seven others were injured after a balcony on which they were standing collapsed. The group was celebrating a 21st birthday party in Berkeley, California. The balcony was located on the 5th floor of an apartment building at in Berkeley.
SB 988, Galgiani. Home inspections. The language in this bill was introduced in some states out of a concern for lightning striking CSST gas piping. California has few lightning strikes. The sponsors of the bill expressed a concern for damage to CSST piping in the event of an earthquake. The bill is called: Proper Bonding and Grounding of Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing Act
AB 2371, Carrillo. Water use efficiency: landscape irrigation This bill is concerned primarily with water conservation. However, it deals with several issues beyond that of home inspections.
There is a Bill That Takes Effect July 1, 2019
SB 969, Dodd. Automatic garage door openers: backup batteries This bill does not amend the Business and Professions Code relative to Home Inspections. The bill amends sections of the Health and Safety Code regarding garage door openers.
I encourage all CREIA members to carefully read the entire text of the bills. They are easy to find on Google. Click here to read more on each Bill.
Welcome to our Newest Members!
CREIA Affiliate Mat Phelps - Foundation Repair of CA
CCI Members Bo Grebitus Christopher Carter - Inspectrite USA Dean Rivale - Rivale Construction Management J. William Naish - National Property Inspections Matthew Smith - Trust Home Inspections Seth Keena - FIT Property Inspectors Steve Hebert - Cornerstone Inspection Steve Lindsey - Southwest Property Inspections Justice Pitts - Morrison Property Inspections
Associates Albert Castro - Pro View Property Inspection Bjorn Johnson - J.T. Construction Products, LLC Brian Davenport - NXT Generation Bruce Busher Charlie Sanchez - Livingston Home Inspections Charlie Jones - Jones Home Inspection Cindy South - First American Home Inspection David Wolf David Corson - Blue Dog Home Inspections David Saltzman David Mcdonnell - About Town Home Inspection Donald Guenette, Jr - Jdb Property Inspectors Llc Douglas Jones - Bright Inspection Group Egal Shamash Eric Dillon Frank Perl Henry Chauncey - HC Home Inspections Jeff Bissonnette - JDB Property Inspectors Jerry Sedrick - Valued Home Inspection Joseph Martinez - Above Grade Home Inspections Josh Jenner Justin Gould Kevin Mcdonnell - Cypress Home Inspections Mark Clancy - HomeTeam Inspection Service Michael Mccracken - First American Home Inspection Michael Gill Paul Scherer - Taomonkey Fitness And Wellness Raul Garcia Sergio Mancilla Timothy Conroy - North Coast Home Inspection Timothy Mcginn Tomas Drexhage Travis Avey - Teal Inspection Services Woodly Milord Yongguang Li